Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chasing hard after God

Good wet morning.

Looking again at Judges and the sad issue of who's vision do we follow. As the people of Israel entered the promised land, they were operating under the leadership of Joshua and the vision God had given to him and Moses. Once in and settled each tribe went about their own business. Scripture tells us that once Josuha and the Elders died, things began to fall apart. We talked about how there were no next generation leaders raised up as Joshua had been. This was something that needed to happen if the nation was to continue moving forward under the vision that God had for them.

With no leaders, the nation became just a bunch of tribes occasionally united under a judge. What else was lost in the transition from a nomadic tribe to a nation that was to honor and proclaim the works of God? They adopted their own vision. One that was very dangerous. "In those days there was no King, and each man did what was right in his own eyes." In other words, they became their own god. Something that we wrestle with in society today, is it not?

As human beings one of the hardest things for us to do is to bring ourselves into submission under someone else's authority. We like to do it our way, make our own lives and plan our own course. When we accept Christ however, we need to realize we are actually giving him permission to lead and direct our course. We can't just do as we see fit. I mean we could, because God does not get in the way of our freedom to choose. Yet is that really giving ourselves over to God?

No matter what God has called you to do in this life, make sure that it is he that is leading you. Through prayer seek him and his direction so that his perfect purpose for you is being fulfilled. It is only in the center of God's will for us that we will be happy, fulfilled and at peace. Be diligent in seeking God in all you do. He will put you right where you need to be if you make him King.

Only when in the center of his will can we capture his vision for our lives, the church and our community. Joe Stowell from RBC ministries wrote when speaking of Psalm 63: "David understood that true joy and purpose come not from admiring God from a safe distance, but from chasing hard after him."

Chase hard after him today, he wants to be found by you.


  1. All of your blog submissions mean something to me, in one aspect / way or another, but this really hit home... "Be diligent in seeking God in all you do. He will put you right where you need to be if you make him King." I just have to keep reminding myself of this. Thanks, P.Mikey!
