Monday, September 27, 2010

Why is there air? Is it really true? Hey I don't believe there is!

Have you ever wandered through life wondering if you were living in the Matrix? Is this real? Is what I am doing just some big game and I am just some dupe unaware of what is going on? Really what is the truth of existence? Are we really here and why is there air? (A great Bill Cosby skit by the way)

As a youth Pastor you get some off the wall questions. Some meant to set you off, some to be goofy and others asked out of a genuine heart that just make you go: 'Huh, where did we go wrong as a society to cause a question like that?' We are on the precipice of losing a generation of students because they not only have a hard time with the very concept of God, they question if there really is any truth. If we live in a world where there is no truth, then there is no lie either. If there is no lie, then we have to assume there is no right and no wrong, nor is there a basis to define what is morally good or evil. So what then really is the question? Why is there air? How can we even have a reasonable discussion regarding the deeper things of life if there is no basis for absolute truth. For if we believe that as long as it's true for you then it's the truth we are left in a dangerous position. It gives us no room to say anything is wrong. That means the acts of Crusaders (supposedly acting according to God's will, yet not matching the call of the gospel) and people like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and their ilk are justified because they truthfully thought they were doing what was best for society. Without truth we have no basis to define evil because nothing can truly be wrong. It is absolutely terrifying to think and believe that truth is either all relative or just non-existent.

There are ways to know what is true and what is not. Way's that reach beyond opinion. That will be in the next blog. Today however, I leave you with this: "Jesus answered,'I am the way, the TRUTH and the life.'" [John 14:6 NIV] Truth is a person as well as a concept. Jesus proved that by raising himself from the dead. That is not a "just what I believe statement and therefore for me its true." That statement is either truth or it is a LIE, and if I believe a lie...what does that make me?

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