Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Praying through the Psalms

I sat down in my church sanctuary this morning and really felt a tug to do more than just "pray". I felt as though I should begin praying through the Psalms. I had/have never done that before, but have felt the profound sense of need to do so. I received the idea from reading the Bonhoeffer book by Eric Metaxas. I have read many books in my short time here on planet earth, but not many, in fact none have casued me such pause in my thoughts. I am deeply moved by the life of this Theologian/Pastor who lived the very words of Scripture up to and including his death. While many have known of the life of Bonhoeffer, I have just learned the depth of his passion and love of God's word, as well as his unbelieveable desire to see it lived out to it's fullness. Especially within the Church!

One of the things he had always done was to sit each day and pray through one of the Psalms. Again, if this is old hat to you, bless you. For me this is something fresh and new in the sense that I have never prayed this particular way other than through the LORD's prayer. His thought was that David and those who wrote the Psalms were pouring out their hearts to the God of all creation looking for him to answer and reveal himself. Lo and behold HE DID and DOES!

The things God revealed were deep and personal. Awesome things that need to be released and put at the foot of the cross. It was a blessing to me and led me into prayer for my Senior Pastor, new incoming pastor and then the entire body of believers whom I shepherd.

The Scriptures come alive in a way that is profound and the realness of God is brought to my heart and mind. I was blessed and would encourage all to seek the God of Heaven in heartfelt prayer as well as praying through his word, especially through the outpouring and deep seeded praise of the Psalms.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The account was full this time

It is a sad day for Patriot nation. They have just been throughly outplayed by the New York Jets. I blogged some time back (you know when the Pats won 45-3) that Rex Ryan was writing checks against an empty account.

Well Cudo's Mr. Ryan! This time, your team filled that account with play after play. Sacking Tom Brady five times for losses in excess of 40 yards. Outplaying the team with the best record in football. I could go on but why, I can't see through my tears. Well done Coach motor-mouth.

With all of that said...I still HATE the Jets. Eight months until the next Patriots training camp. So in the words of every New England sports fan: One month till Spring training...LETS GO RED SOX!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The journey away from self: chapter 1

I have been reading Eric Metaxas' book: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, spy, and have been deep in my own thoughts on the theology of self.

As I was on my way to the dump this morning I was mulling over the difference between self-ish-ness and self-less-ness. I realized that many thing I do are done from selfish motives as opposed to selfless motives. Yet on the surface I feel that I am motivated by selfless behaviour.

So what is it that makes an act self-less? That is the deep theological question, at least for me. And I am sure will not be answered within the context of this post. For example, I do many good things that the Scriptures state should be done. I emptying myself at the altar of GOD, or am I looking to feel good about having done what is naturally expected of me as it relates to Scripture? If I am doing the latter, that then is a selfish act. As it is done to make me feel good and accomplish what I perceive to be something "that should be done".

It is a deep question that I have been focusing on in light of suffering. For example: Would I be willing to leave every comfort that I have to go where I have no wish to be in order to fulfill the will of GOD no matter the cost. That is an emptying of self. Conversly, would I stay right where I am, even if I wished to be elsewhere in order to speak to the needs of a people, thus fulfilling the will of God? Jesus showed us this clearly in and through the cross. Paul paints a beautiful picture of that act in the second chapter of Philippians.

Am I willing to step out and suffer loss for someone I may not even know? Can I empty myself to the point that all that matters is undying obedience to the one who calls me?


May God, who spared not his Son shine graciously upon you today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Love story of God

"Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the Law, tested him with this question: 'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?'
Jesus replied: 'Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.'"
[Matt. 22:34-40]

In my mind that is probably the most powerful statement ever made. Why? Because Jesus, in two statements re-defined for the religous ruling party what God expected of them. What's going on here?

The Sadducees get schooled by Jesus and the Pharasees get all excited. I'm not seeing where God is involved there. They decide to test Jesus with a question. A big one in fact, as there were some 613 or so different commands that needed to be followed in order to 'make God happy' That darn letter of the Law!

What they get is not the satisfaction of being right, but they get a love story! Jesus say's that the most important thing to do is love God. The second is to love others. Everything else is filtered through those two things. If you aren't doing that, you are missing God. I find it no concidence that an "expert" in the law put the question forth. They are busy protecting the law, making sure everyone follows the law Their job is to enforce the law. OF ALL PEOPLE, he should have known this! He was one of Israel's teachers.

The prophet Micah rebuked the rulers of his day for the same thing. They were more concerned with the offerings being right than they were their hearts. Micah said they should know better because God had showed them and told them how they should be. "He has showed you O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." [Micah 6:8]

Love God, Love people. It's about manifesting the power of God through loving him and others. In this way we become like Jesus. It's God's Love story, as RBC had in the devotional this morning.

"If we have not love we are a resounding gong or a clanging symbol." [1 Cor 13:1] Maybe that's why so many in the world don't care what the church has to offer. We are just making a lot of noise, and have not love...

Screw up someone's world today: Love them because God first loved you and ask for nothing in return.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back to it

Good morning all. After a week off it is time to get back to it. "Vacations are highly underrated", George P Wood said this past week and I tend to agree.

We must all step back, take time to recharge and refocus. For some reason we tend to feel guilty for taking ourselves out of the loop for any amount of time. Don't!

This is going to be a great year. Many changes and challenges lay ahead. Depending on how we approach each issue will determine whether it is a problem or an opportunity.

God's richest blesssings to you for 2011. May you soar as high as God desires you to. Never be afraid to step into something new! Never be intimidated by a task that seems daunting. It is there that God drives us in order to show his power.

Be blessed in all you do this coming year.